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ProductsBandage Contact LensesAir Hydra Plano contact lemses (monthly)
Air Hydra Plano contact lemses (monthly)

The balanced value of Airhydra DK ensures constant and harmonic contribution of the quantity of oxygen necessary for the metabolism and corneal ocular health or the environment .

The balance achieved between the components of the material Airhydra generates a modulus value such as to make sure the manipulation of the lens and the port in harmony with the requirements of elasticity, softness and comfort and

The balanced content of Airhydra of water ensures a reduced risk of accumulation of despositi on the lens surface and minimizes the attack of the bacteria for a harmonic of the bearer Wellness Coaches

The values of DK, Hydrophilicity and Form Rounded Edges Central the reduced thickness, the merits Hyaluronic acid present on the surface of the lens and the saline solution are the qualities that give the wearer an excellent acuity and an excellent comfort

The balanced value of Airhydra DK ensures constant and harmonic contribution of the quantity of oxygen necessary for the metabolism and corneal ocular health or the environment .

The balance achieved between the components of the material Airhydra generates a modulus value such as to make sure the manipulation of the lens and the port in harmony with the requirements of elasticity, softness and comfort and

The balanced content of Airhydra of water ensures a reduced risk of accumulation of despositi on the lens surface and minimizes the attack of the bacteria for a harmonic of the bearer Wellness Coaches

The values of DK, Hydrophilicity and Form Rounded Edges Central the reduced thickness, the merits Hyaluronic acid present on the surface of the lens and the saline solution are the qualities that give the wearer an excellent acuity and an excellent comfort

Address: #26, Mansoor Alley, Mirzaie Shirazi Ave., Tehran 1596933314 - IRAN Tel / Fax: 88714724 - 88557424 - 88557485 - 88711136 - 88705948

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